Εκτενή αφιερώματα έχουν αναρτήσει τα Διεθνή Ειδικά ΜΜΕ του Ηλεκτρονικού τύπου με αναφορές και εικόνες απο την Άσκηση ΗΝΙΟΧΟΣ 2019 ,που εντυπωσίασε τους Πάντες
Η άσκηση “INIOCHOS” είναι μια ετήσια μεσαία άσκηση που φιλοξενείται από την Ελληνική Πολεμική Αεροπορία στις εγκαταστάσεις της ATC (Air Tactics Center) στην Air Base της Ανδραβίδας, που βρίσκεται στη βορειοδυτική Πελοπόννησο.
Όπως συνέβη και πέρυσι, η έκδοση του 2019 είδε τη συμμετοχή αρκετών εθνών (Ελλάδα, Ιταλία, ΗΑΕ, Ισραήλ και ΗΠΑ) με το 3ο, 4ο και για πρώτη φορά ποτέ μαχητικά αεροσκάφη της 5ης Γενιάς.
Μεταξύ των συμμετεχόντων, 6x Mirage 2000-9EAD / DAD που ανήκει στις 86 Sqn της Ε.Α.Ε. AF από Al Safran AB. 13x F-16C / D “Barak” με 109 και 117 Sqn Ισραηλινή AF από τον Ramat David.
6x Tornado (3x IDS και 3x ECR παραλλαγές) από την 6η Stormo, Ιταλική Πολεμική Αεροπορία, με έδρα το Ghedi. 6x F-35A με τη
13 ° Gruppo (Μοίρα) της Ιταλικής Πολεμικής Αεροπορίας από την Amendola.
12x F-16C από το 52ο FW από το Spangdahlem. καθώς και μερικά + 30x F-16, 6x F-4E, 6x Mirage 2000 και 1x EMB-145H AEW & C που ανήκουν σε διάφορες μοίρες της HAF.
As happened last year, the 2019 edition saw the participation of several nations (Greece, Italy, UAE, Israel and the U.S.) with 3rd, 4th and, for the first time, ever 5th Generation combat aircraft. Among the attendees, 6x Mirage 2000-9EAD/DAD belonging to the 86 Sqn of the UAE AF from Al Safran AB; 13x F-16C/D “Barak” with 109 and 117 Sqn Israeli AF from Ramat David; 6x Tornado (3x IDS and 3x ECR variants) from the 6th Stormo, Italian Air Force, based in Ghedi; 6x F-35A with the 13° Gruppo (Squadron) of the Italian Air Force from Amendola; 12x F-16C from 52nd FW from Spangdahlem; as well as some +30x F-16, 6x F-4E, 6x Mirage 2000 and 1x EMB-145H AEW&C belonging to various squadrons of the HAF.

Actually, other aircraft took part in the exercise or supported the drills. For instance, one of the most interesting aircraft spotted at Andravida and leaving the base few hours after the 13 Israeli F-16s left early in the morning on Friday Apr. 5, was a white IAF Gulfstream G-V “Nachshon Shavit” airborne SIGINT (Signal Intelligence) aircraft serialled 679.

On Apr. 4, a formation of aircraft taking part in the exercise performed flybys over Athens, Patras and Andravida. The formation was led by an HAF Mirage 2000 and included Italian Tornado IDS and F-35, HAF F-4E, IAF F-16 and U.S. Air Force F-16C.

The F-35 Plays Starring Role In Exercise “INIOCHOS 2019” in Greece

The multinational exercise saw the participation of assets from Greece, Israel, UAE, Italy and the U.S.
Exercise “INIOCHOS” is a yearly medium-scale exercise hosted by the Hellenic Air Force at the facilities of the ATC (Air Tactics Center) at Andravida Air Base, located in the Northwest Peloponnese, Greece.

Actually, other aircraft took part in the exercise or supported the drills. For instance, one of the most interesting aircraft spotted at Andravida and leaving the base few hours after the 13 Israeli F-16s left early in the morning on Friday Apr. 5, was a white IAF Gulfstream G-V “Nachshon Shavit” airborne SIGINT (Signal Intelligence) aircraft serialled 679.

On Apr. 4, a formation of aircraft taking part in the exercise performed flybys over Athens, Patras and Andravida. The formation was led by an HAF Mirage 2000 and included Italian Tornado IDS and F-35, HAF F-4E, IAF F-16 and U.S. Air Force F-16C.

Throughout the exercise, the Italian jets (F-35, Tornado IDS and ECR) have carried out 74 missions, totalling approximately 250 flying hours.

“F-35A have carried out several combined missions with all the partecipating weapon systems which are usually called COMAOs (Composite Air Operations). In these COMAOs there is a rotating mission commander that plans, arranges and organizes the available weapon systems, with the help of the other partecipating countries, in order to accomplish the task of the mission.”

Hellenic Rhino taking off.